10 Holiday events back this season
(oh, how we missed them!)
Let’s Get Cracking!
The curtain rises once again for Texas Ballet Theater, which opens its season with The Nutcracker. The first performance is Nov. 26 at Winspear Opera House in Dallas, with shows running through Dec. 5. The troupe moves to Bass Performance Hall in Fort Worth for a Dec. 10-26 run. texasballettheater.org/season
We Love a Parade
Fort Worth’s Parade of Lights is an annual event that kicks off the holiday season for many. Downtown lights up Nov. 21; fortworthparadeoflights.org. Downtown Grapevine lights up Dec. 2 with the largest lighted parade in North Texas; grapevinechamber.org/events/grapevine-parade-of-lights. The Dallas Holiday Parade marches to some merry tunes Dec. 4; dallasholidayparade.com.
A Work of Art
The Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth flips the switch on their annual display earlier than in previous years. The trees surrounding the beautiful Tadao Ando building light up Nov. 1; themodern.org. They’ll stay on through Feb. 6 to coincide with the end of the Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo.
Light It Up
Bring on the massive light displays. We’re ready to make new memories and step up our selfie game. One of the best is Vitruvian Park in Addison, with 1.5 million LEDs wrapped around more than 550 trees. The park lights up starting Nov. 26 and runs through Jan. 2. It’s free, and this year, look for the return of musical performances, food trucks and more.