Presenting our list of the region’s best dentists —
in 8 specialties — as chosen by their peers

360 West’s Top Dentists survey is a peer-review survey open to all dentists within Tarrant, Parker, Johnson, Hood and Denton counties. The list is provided as a service to readers, giving them a dentist’s perspective on the top dentists in 8 specialty areas. The list is intended to allow readers to see and celebrate their dentists who are honored for their achievement and reputation. It gives those seeking information a place to see dentists highlighted for exceptional work in their specialties and provides readers a resource for finding the right dentist for their needs.
To complete this nomination project, 360 West magazine partnered with DataJoe Research to identify the top dentists in the area. DataJoe invited local dentists to participate in the survey, asking them to reveal the dentistry professionals they believe provide exemplary care. Voting was open from mid-October through mid-December. All licensed dentists within the area were eligible to log on and cast their votes for those dentists they believe deserve the honor of being called a Top Dentist. In order to be eligible to vote, dentists were required to provide their license number and basic contact information identifying themselves. At the end of the voting period, the dentists with the most votes within their specialties were the ones that were labeled Top Dentists for that year. Dentists who were nominated were then screened to verify the legitimacy of their licenses and ensure that they remain in good standing with the state board. The list was fact checked with the state as well as with the health systems and provided to 360 West for publishing. Inclusion in the list is based solely on the nominations received from dentists and listings cannot be purchased.
While there are outstanding professionals who are not listed here, we hope you will give these dentists special consideration when choosing a dentistry professional.
DataJoe uses best practices and exercises great care in assembling content for this list. DataJoe does not warrant that the data contained within the list are complete or accurate. DataJoe does not assume, and hereby disclaims, any liability to any person for any loss or damage caused by errors or omissions herein whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause. All rights reserved. No commercial use of the information in this list may be made without written permission from DataJoe. For research/methodology questions, contact Michelle Pearson, Researcher, at For all other questions, contact Jerry Scott at If you did not receive a survey ballot this year, please email to ensure we have your correct, updated information on file. Please include name, practice, address, phone, fax, and email in your message.
Click on names listed in Red for more information.
Dental Anesthesia
William Baltazar
Frank Ford
Rajeev Misra
Chad Allen
Tariq Alsmadi
Obadah Attar
Sayeed Attar
Lakshay Bhardwaj
Adam Bond
Charles Brown
Lee Fulsaas
Ray Gillespie
Pei Kang
C. Michael Larsen
John Loeffelholz
Autrine Loghmanian
Deborah Loth
Francisco Nieves
Todd Remmers
Jeffrey Saunders
Casey Turner
Ryan Walsh
Chris Yelton
General Dentistry
Mansour Ahangarzadeh
Ryan Anderson
Stephen Anderson
Daniel Atkinson
Stephanie Bangs
Nicole Bellingham
Amy Bender
Jessica Brigati
Nancy Cabansag
Alex Cammack
Milton Cannon
Michael Castle
Katie Coniglio
Brent Cornelius
Russell Dix
Lee Dodson
Chad Duplantis
Tonya Fuqua
James Getz
Gary Granger
James Gray
Corbin Hines
Curt Hinkle
James King
Kenneth Kirkham
William Knox
Kimberly Lake
Gregory Luk
Kathryn Luse
Alana Macalik
Kacey Mahoney
Gregory Martin
Keith Metzger
Partha Mukherji
Arthur Mund
Leslie Nason
Brett Nielsen
Tim Oakes
Jennette Olson
Tyson Pickett
William Ralstin
Stephen Ratcliff
Olena Razo
Edward Reiter
Ryan Schmidgall
Majid Sehat
James Shadle
Zachary Smith
Robert Sorokolit
David Tillman
Fred Turner
Eric Wear
Raymond White
Matt Wilkinson
Eric Wilson
Jack Wilson
Terry Zang
Oral Surgery
Brandon Brown
Craig Buchmann
Becky Coats
Mazen Duraini
Daniel Hammer
David Hunter
Herman Kao
David Kostohryz
Alejandra Kovach
James Macholl
David Parmer
Robert Peak
Diana Reyes Lois
William Runyon
Gregory Scheideman
Michael Sheppard
John Shroyer
Douglas Sinn
Michael Warner
Fayette Williams
James Alexander
Andy Barron
Daniel Bekish
Sheila Birth
Jose Chow
Cristi Fletcher
Robert Gallagher
Ron Groves
Abdul Hanoun
Robbie Hashem
Jed Hildebrand
Kimberly Hildebrand
Jeremy Lustig
David McReynolds
David Mikulencak
Tamara Miller
Scott Myser
Anurag Patel
Nicholas Ridder
Paul Robinson
Christopher Sorokolit
Shane Tolleson
Pediatric Dentistry
Sandra Armstrong
Dennis Bear
R. Nelson Beville
Austin Church
Elizabeth Gold Rector
Jeffrey Hoffman
Drew Jamison
Hina Khan
Elizabeth Laborde
Bridget McAnthony
Charles Miller
James Miller
Jack Morrow
Janell Plocheck
Stan Preece
Susan Roberts
Tuong (David) Ta
Justin Warcup
Amy Watts
Bruce Weiner
Nathan West
Scott Bedichek
Farhad Boltchi
Steven Britain
Brian Britton
Jeff Buske
Benge Daniel
Brent Gabriel
William Grover
Roth Hinkle
James Holt
John Jacobi
N. Joseph Laborde
Shelby Nelson
Matthew Steffer
Elise Woody
Daniela Zambon
Khaldoun Ajlouni
John Buie
James Fischer
Steven Fuqua
Jorge Gonzalez
Kim Le