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By guruscottyMay 30, 2022June 2nd, 2022No Comments
Chromesthia, created to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Cliburn competition

Photo Finish

Photo by Meda Kessler

The Steinways have been on the road these past few months for free outdoor concerts at venues ranging from the Stockyards to Arlington’s Levitt Pavilion to the Trinity Trails as part of Countdown to the Cliburn. The program was created to offer the music-loving public multiple chances to enjoy performances from past medalists in places other than the typical concert hall. In addition to other outreach events, the concerts are part of the nonprofit’s mission to educate listeners and to promote classical piano music. Instead of wearing tuxedos and long gowns, the performers dress as casually as the audience members, but they always play with enthusiasm, even on 100-degree-plus days. The series capped off in late May with the unveiling of a permanent mural on South Main Street in SoMa Development’s micropark. Austin-based artist DAAS did the honors, creating Chromesthesia, a vivid piece of art to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Cliburn ahead of this month’s competition.