The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
Hip Pocket Theatre 1950 Silver Creek Road, Fort Worth, 817-246-9775, hippocket.org
The outdoor theater opened its season with a play from HPT founder Johnny Simons, so it’s only fitting that it closes with Simons’ adaptation of Washington Irving’s tale of the headless horseman, which is considered to be one of America’s first ghost stories. With Hip Pocket’s setting under the stars, expect all kinds of things that go bump in the night. Through Oct. 30
Plenty of Time
Jubilee Theatre 506 Main St., Fort Worth, 817-338-4411, jubileetheatre.org
This intimate exploration of the evolving effects of social and political change on African Americans is channeled through the relationship of one couple over 43 years. Corey and Christina meet in 1968 in a Black section of Martha’s Vineyard. She comes from a privileged family; he is a member of the Black Panther Party. They return annually for a single day, sharing a small beach house — and their personal growth. The play, by John Shévin Foster, is directed by Calvin J. Walker. Sept. 30-Oct. 30
The Hollow
Amphibian Stage 120 S. Main St., Fort Worth, 817-923-3012, amphibianstage.com
This one-act play makes its world premiere in Fort Worth before taking a bow in New York next year. A collaboration between multi-hyphenate talents John Rapson and Jeremy Landon Hays (both performed in Les Miserables), The Hollow puts the narrator of Washington Irving’s The Legend of Sleepy Hollow into the thick of things with a mix of horror and humor. Other Broadway talents include costume designer Gregg Barnes (Kinky Boots, Mean Girls) and scenic/projection designer Caite Hevner. Oct. 12-Nov. 6