Fort Worth Food + Wine’s fall events: Far Out Feast and Night Market set for November
The Fort Worth Food + Wine Foundation has announced two fall events, including Night Market, which moves to November from the Fort Worth Food + Wine Festival in the spring.
The Far Out Feast will be Nov. 8 at The Fort Worth Club and will feature four courses prepared by Felipe Armenta and Graham Elliot of FAR Out Hospitality — owner of Maria’s Mexican Kitchen, Le Margot, F1 Smokehouse and Cowboy Prime. The foundation will also present its Walter Kaufmann Lifetime Achievement Award at the dinner. Tickets are $195.
Night Market will be 6:30-9 p.m. Nov. 30 at Panther Island Pavilion, with an around-the-world street food theme and craft cocktails from 15 local mixologists. Tickets are $65; $89 for early entry.
More information: fortworthfoodandwinefestival.com
Spots for four-person teams are still available for the foundation’s 3rd annual Shooting with the Chefs, Oct. 22 at Defender Outdoors. Find more information at the foundation’s website.