

Dream Girls

By guruscotty Features, Life Style, The Give Back

A merlot-hued strapless satin gown with pockets, a dramatic red dress covered in gauzy rose appliques—the choices are many, but they’re all free thanks to University Christian Church’s Prom Dreams Boutique.

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Eyes for Fashion

By guruscotty Features, Life Style, Personal Style

Yvonne Wilson embraces her bad vision, rocking her glasses along with anything and everything she wears, mixing vintage finds with current designer pieces, which she can spot a mile away in a thrift store.

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Tall Order

By guruscotty Features, Inside Out

Krishna and Damodar Shenoy loved their one-story home on a wooded lot in Grapevine, but after living there for 10 years, they yearned for something bigger and brighter.

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One Stitch at a Time

By guruscotty Features, Life Style

We confess to knowing Julie Hatch Fairley as a hard-working public relations dynamo. She answers email and phone calls promptly and cheerfully. But it’s a demanding profession, one that steals away a lot of personal time and requires a fully charged cellphone.

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