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Photo Finish: The Big Reveal

By guruscottyApril 24, 2019July 29th, 2021No Comments

Photo by Ralph Lauer

The scaffolding slowly has enveloped the Pioneer Tower at Will Rogers Memorial Center,  creeping up 209 feet to look like the world’s largest Tinkertoy in the middle of Fort Worth’s Cultural District. Work is ongoing, as the face-lift is part of a much-needed makeover that includes a thorough cleaning — inside and out. Workers also are removing the aluminum grates covering vertical columns of glass blocks, many of which are broken. The plan is for them to install LEDs in the tower’s interior. Thanks to the almost $4 million project, overseen by Fort Worth’s Elements of Architecture, the building should be shining bright in time for the opening of nearby Dickies Arena in late 2019. We can’t wait for the big reveal.