Behind The Scenes: Our Spring Fashion Shoot
By Jenny B. Davis
The moment the 360West team walked into the Southside Fort Worth gallery of artist Amy Young, it was clear: This was the perfect place to showcase spring fashion.
Young’s work — with its moody, merging swaths of shades and hues electrified by energetic jolts of bold color — was the perfect foil for fashion’s current monochromatic moments. Luckily, Young was down for hosting, and the team spent a full day working inside and outside her amazing space.
Young and her son graciously repositioned monumentally sized canvases to allow photographer Samantha Jane to manipulate light streaming through the studio. They moved furniture to help hair and makeup artist Rocio Vielma transform the gallery’s seating area into a beauty zone and never batted an eye as stylist Jenny B. Davis covered every inch of the kitchen area with merchandise, totes, boxes and garment bags. From there, it was pure magic watching model Tori Monet connect with the camera and bring life and purpose to every clothing combination. See the full shoot on Page 6, and for more behind-the-scenes photos, videos and scoop on this story, follow 360West on Facebook (360West) and Instagram (@360West).
In the fall, Young will expand to a second space, joining artists Joy Harvison, Jimmy Joe Jenkins and Bradley Kent in a new gallery located on Fort Worth’s west side. For updates, follow Amy Young Art and 360West on social media.
Amy Young Art
Gallery + Studio 3244 Stuart Drive, Fort Worth; Open by appointment; email amyoungart@gmail.com, amyoungart.gallery, Instagram: @amyoungart